Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Cool Weekend in Honeyland

What a amazing fun filled crazy few days we have had. Friday Max had the pleasure of playing with the school band at the Lilac Festival. It was a beautiful day. The kids had a great time exploring the festival, eating festival fare and making fab music. I loved being able to be part of it!!

Giulia was super excited/ totally nervous this weekend to be asked to play on the U12 girls team for a tournement. She also had some of her closest peeps spend the night for a birthday celebration. We had a bonfire with s'mores, hot dogs and a dance party in the backyard. The girls had a lot of fun together. The U12 girls played tough this weekend and Giulia was thrilled to be part of it... here our our photos from the adventure.
From Movies

Saturday, May 16, 2009

The very last

This was it... our very last elementary spring concert! Giulia was in chorus and band. This was the band's first time playing in a concert. They really did sound good! I was totally surprised. Usually they are a group of squeaks and squawks... but not bad for a new group of players! It was hard to get good pictures because of the lighting and the no flash rules but I an sharing the best of what I got and a short video. For you all in Boston you can feel like you were there.
Love you and will update you on the weekend adventures soon!

Love you,

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vacations and Family

We had such a wonderful time on spring break. The kids had hung with friends, went on bike rides, played soccer and had amazing adventures in Massachusetts. Max's favorite part of the Boston escape was the hike at Blue Hills. We all agreed we didn't have enough time to see and explore all that was there to see. Max had fun running ahead to scout out the terrain, slay the occasional dragon, find walking sticks and rocks to add to his collection. I love that he is still so in love with nature and all the wonders that it holds. Max was the only BRAVE soul to go into the frigid Atlantic Ocean. He is growing so fast before me. If his shoes and pants no longer fit at least a part of him I think will always be the same.
The Marathon was the main reason that we went... along with meeting Guillermo (Sue's beau) and seeing Anna and her family. I mean... Lisa and Derrick. Yeah. That is what I meant. I love working at the water stop. The runners totally were inspiring to see. How fun to meet to many fun people and share in such an awesome day. I can't wait to do it again next year!
Giulia, I think love being able to hang out with her Aunties and Anna the very most. She is such a nurturer! Giulia is already asking daily to be signed up for the babysitting class this summer. What a planner she is!

I <3 my family!


Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Monday, March 30, 2009


Okay I know that it has been a lifetime since I last blogged but I have been working on some changes. First I changed my blog over to be with all my other Google stuff...( I <3 Google!) and second our internet connection has been challenged. I have been leary to use up our up and download MB's with my silly blogging. So hear I am sorry for the delay.

Max and Giulia had an incredible weekend last weekend with their teams home soccer tourney. They both played admirably and helped take their teams to the finals. Giugiu's team lost in the last 30 seconds it was devastating to Giulia who loves the game and puts so much of herself out there. Maxo also played well. I am so proud of him putting himself in such a humbling position. He is a practice player on the team but got as much play time as any other boy. His team did win in the finals. It was a nail biter tho'

I hope that you all enjoy the pics of the kids!
