Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vacations and Family

We had such a wonderful time on spring break. The kids had hung with friends, went on bike rides, played soccer and had amazing adventures in Massachusetts. Max's favorite part of the Boston escape was the hike at Blue Hills. We all agreed we didn't have enough time to see and explore all that was there to see. Max had fun running ahead to scout out the terrain, slay the occasional dragon, find walking sticks and rocks to add to his collection. I love that he is still so in love with nature and all the wonders that it holds. Max was the only BRAVE soul to go into the frigid Atlantic Ocean. He is growing so fast before me. If his shoes and pants no longer fit at least a part of him I think will always be the same.
The Marathon was the main reason that we went... along with meeting Guillermo (Sue's beau) and seeing Anna and her family. I mean... Lisa and Derrick. Yeah. That is what I meant. I love working at the water stop. The runners totally were inspiring to see. How fun to meet to many fun people and share in such an awesome day. I can't wait to do it again next year!
Giulia, I think love being able to hang out with her Aunties and Anna the very most. She is such a nurturer! Giulia is already asking daily to be signed up for the babysitting class this summer. What a planner she is!

I <3 my family!


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