Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Amazing, the time has flown so quickly since I last sat and wrote here. With internet connections, computer issues and a crazy life I haven't written anything.
Yesterday, I dropped my babe Max off at the doors of high school... absolutely mind blowing! He was 5 just last week how he is in high school already in mind boggling. Tonight is his first JV soccer game. So exciting and yet I know he is absolutely a bundle of nerves about it all. Watching him grow into this quiet and sweet young man is the most amazing privilege. My prayers for him are unending as he becomes more independent and responsible each day.
He has been elected the patrol leader for his scout patrol and is taking that responsibility on and embracing it. After an incredible summer attending the 100th year of scouting National Jamboree and a week of being a counselor at National Youth Leadership he has grown exponentially!

Giulia had her first day of 7th grade and her first day of foreign language... French. She chose a French name for herself and now will be called Bridgette! Giuliz is such a beauty and I love the joyful spirit within her! She had a wonderful soccer filled summer although neither team was terribly successful. She made great friends that are so like minded that it is scary! Modified soccer starts for her today and she is looking forward to a new coach and playing with her school friends. At the end of the summer she was diagnosed with Osgood Slatters and has been in Physical Therapy all of August to rehab those knees. She is successfully running two miles now and still somewhat nervous about what is to come for her physically with this. It has been a good time to reflect with her about her God given gifts and to be thankful for all thing good and bad. That is a toughy!

It is such a beautiful fall day and I am loving the crisp smell that is creeping into the air and how the colors are becoming richer and warmer than the bright summer hues. I'll keep ya posted on those soccer game scores!
